Deep Personal Insights
We are Free now already.
It is in recognizing this
and why this is
that brings you 'Home'
High Self instead of Higher Self.
Said in this way doesn't imply separation
or put it beyond you.
It is You.
You are an independent Sovereign Being.
You are 'Author' of your life.
Listen to and trust your Intuition,
which is the Source You
speaking to you
and through you
I am made of Source
and Source radiates from Me
into Itself
You are your 'Soul'.
It is not outside of you
or separate from you
We are Power ItSelf.
In Truth
we are never alone.
Get clear
Be direct
I decided to gift my two online courses to my Being human family.
No charge.
These are the 2 most important keys and abilities to awakening to your nature in relationship to your living operating system.
InJoy :-))
Be Inner Self directed
and you will always be
Well and in the Flow of the real Life
that You Are
Think for yourself
Act accordingly
Problem Solved :-))
" When you tell the truth
you don't have to remember what you said"
This kid was assisted by a seemingly super human master dude.
The kid was astonished at his unusual abilities and said,
"Who are you????"
The master dude said,
" I think that's a question you should be asking yourself."
The left, the right
The black, the white
The good, the bad
The cold, the hot
The right, the wrong
Extremes are created to divide us
within ourselves
and between each other.,
leaving out all the true gradients of Life
To gain what you seek requires stationing yourself in the present moment.
Forget what has been
or what will be
practice just Being...
listening for the constant inner communication from the Source of you.
This requires Being Present...
Which IS a present
to you :-))
The mind is a tool
train it
Your "intuition "
is your deeper all knowing Self
speaking directly to you
in the present moment.
Peace and love is a choice and a vibratory resonant frequency we shine from our center outwards.
We skip over what isn't a match and tune to what is a match.
Observe what rises up within you when something comes to your attention.
This is an opportunity to notice a running program that has gone unnoticed in your system
and in that moment if it doesn't match your Nature you dissolve it,
and if you want,
thank the part of you that orchestrated the scenario for you,
to upgrade your system into a more refined alignment with the Source of You..
Life is an endless subject...
You are Life :-))
Go deep
Love Deep
While you are here.
Eventually we all leave this place.
Universal Diversity.
No one is the same.
You are a flower that has never been before
and will never be again.
How rare, unique and special you are.
Celebrate You :-))
When it rings true,
It is true.
Analytical = Analyzing, figuring, intellectualizing, linear logic.
Intuiting = Direct Knowing, Insight, Comprehension, Inner Voice, Inner vision.
When we focus analytically we summon from the intuitive the information.
The intuitive informs the analyzer.
If this is not known by you the intuitive will feed the analyzer from its stored bank of memorized and accepted facts.
If this is known then the all knowing, fully present, completely connected and conscious part of you (the intuitive) informs you whole and fully, beyond those supposed facts, beyond collective human agreements.
Go direct to receive / know Truth.
Discovering this is a big step in comprehending your multi dimensional living design and You in relationship to it.
You are the Owner / Operator.
Embrace the Truth of You.
Be Conscious.
When it comes to personal growth and expansion
where we are this moment is exactly perfect
Multidimensionality is complex to the analytical function.
The intuitive bypasses complexity.
Truth is what we decide it is.
When we hold something as true for ourself then it is true for us.
There is always more to something than we can know in this moment.
Including more to who and what you are.
Life is a discovery...a Self discovery in relationship with the rest of the Life we are an intimate part of.
You are good right where you are.
We start where we are and grow from there, every moment, in the moment :-))
Truth is also the Nature of Nature.
We are Nature and Life so when we discover more about one we are discovering more about the other.
Really what we are looking for is the Truth of ourself and our interrelationship with the larger Life.
Happiness Heals :-))
To feel good is to be in alignment with True You.
The Ocean is in the drop.
The drop is in the Ocean.
We are Life within Life.
Awakening = amnesia resolved :-))
We are made of the same energy that creates all that is.
Which means we hold the same creative ability and potential.
Creation is a bi product of our Being.
Get clear and stay clear
on where you stand
and what is acceptable for you.
Just say Yes
to your inborn freedom.
Becoming conscious is simply becoming conscious of what is already.
We are a drop AND the Ocean.
Our body is our operating system, expression and interface with this place that it exists within.
We are not our bio expression.
We are creator of it :-))
As an energy 'worker' :-)) I know that when we hold a focus energy moves instantaneously into that alignment.
It is the Deeper Source Being that arranges and adjusts the energies in alignment with what we Image/Intend/generate emotionally and on a feeling level.
The 'more that we are' does the multidimensional maneuvers.
It is important to know our place in the creational process...
'We focus it into Being.'
This cannot be comprehended through the analytical and logical function.
It is through the intuitive and through direct knowing that we comprehend our multidimensional reality.
Most of us have been trained from the beginning to look outside of ourselves for what can only be found within.
This stalemates us and locks us into a never ending search for what our Nature is calling for... which cannot be found through objective perception.
Life happens from the inside out, not the outside in.
We are Self generated.
I get direct info about anything I am pondering.
Including if I am off, why and what the Actual Truth is, in an instant.
I gave this level of me permission to interrupt me to flash this to me.
Usually this part of us waits until we aren't thinking to insert the answers or info in general.
We have to have a meeting with the Source us to arrange or upgrade the hardwired normal pathways of inter communication. I was shown how to do this by that very part of me.
Amazing actually :-))
Woman's Moon Cycle
As an energy worker I have initiated many women's periods when they conceived and weren't ready for a child.
I also taught them how to do it for themselves. ( Video course coming soon )
In another instance my massage therapist had 3 miscarriage's in a row.
I was her informal therapist during massages and I could see a little blonde girl standing against her left leg holding it.
I told my friend what I was seeing.
In an inspired act of compassion I intervened and communicated with her Source Self, my Source Self, the little blond girls Source Self and we all together arranged a successful full term.
Before I left Orcas Island I got to sit and talk with the little blond girl in the food co op courtyard while her mother went shopping.
It was a very special moment that brings tears to my eyes as I write this.
I never told my friend what I facilitated for her.
Whatever we hold in mind, image and feel
we add our infinite Source Creative Power to.
Every 'special' ability
is one we already possess and use all day everyday - unconsciously.
Bringing it into our conscious awareness
is the key to using it
on purpose. :-))
The Nature we are
can be Trusted 100%.
It is permanently conscious
and directly connected
to the Nature it is created from and an inseparable part of.
We are it
and it is us.
Happiness Heals :-))
Happiness is an inside job.
And a choice.
It is not other peoples ideas that is important.
It is what rises up within us when we consider anything that is the true value.
Because it comes from the deeper all knowing You.
Considering anything is what triggers this...
although it also happens without this trigger.
Self communicating with Self,
an upgrade in motion :-))
How we power things into Being is by giving or focusing our attention on it, by imaging it in our imaginal field, by generating emotion or feeling about it.
Because of this when we say no (resistance) we are actually saying yes by including it in our attention and awareness.
By not doing this is how we deactivate or dissolve a creation that is not for the highest good of all Life.
In this inclusion based dimensional Universe what we hold in thought, attention, focus we include in our reality.
So how do we not include something that we don't agree with or want in our reality?
This is an important discovery and by pondering this the deeper all knowing You will show you how.
Through Insight, comprehension, intuition, direct knowing, etc...
Or you can ask me :-))
Actually we descend from the TrueSource of Life itself not our Earth biology.
The real mistake is us forgetting our origin and True Nature.
We are Nature, Life, Eternal beyond current human conception.
We are not our biology and gender.
Nor the distorted programming created in place of our Living True Nature coming from social and cultural collective agreements and hereditary beliefs.
The problem includes more than religion and government.
We cannot find Ourselves by searching in the array of faulty programming and inaccurate concepts.
It is the Source You that awakens this part of itself as you here.
I read somewhere once long ago....
knock and the door will be opened, ask and you shall receive ...
We must make the call.
The desire is the True Nature You calling through this expression of itself which is You.
Answer your call :-))
Every believed statement is a creational decree.
You are not only Powerful...
There are two kinds of thought(s),
Good feeling thoughts & bad feeling thoughts.
Which ones 'we choose' is up to us.
We run the ship...
and... we own the ship we are running :-))
No matter what you think or what you have discovered there is much more involved and much more to the story.
Knowing this is
keeping open,
for the all knowing part of you to surface an insight,
gut feeling,
image in your mind,
inner voice, etc...
to you,
expanding your understanding on any subject.
Be open for the expansion
or you hold yourself out of evolution.
'I AM',
anything after that is self created
and self energized.
Think & feel happy thoughts :-))
or not.
Whatever feels better.